Paul Metzler | Communications Director | NGB Financial Texas

Paul Metzler

Communications Director

Paul has spent his entire career in the Financial Service and Income Planning arena. After 2008 he has focused primarily on educating his Clients on the inherent risks that occur when income ceases.

The Strategies involved are critical to understanding how Sequences of Returns can have a dramatic impact on Your Savings. The only truth is that Equities Markets go Up and Down. And we cannot predict when that occurs. This makes the process of planning for Guaranteed Foundational Income so important. Over 90% of Our Clients state that “making sure they have enough money as long as they live “ is really priority #1 .

Paul and his Spouse Cindy have been married “many” years. Their 3 adult children have moved throughout the country and this is a major reason Paul has joined NGB Financial – working in a virtual way.

There is no doubt whatsoever that this format is the best way to facilitate better – and more frequent – touchpoints with clients.